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AI  Research

Our online Data Science Research Program offers in-depth exploration into data analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling. Tailored for aspiring data scientists, this summer program involves hands-on projects with real-world data, focusing on a UN Sustainable Development Goal. 

Registration for the 2025 summer session will open soon.

Program content

  • Receive guidance from professionals in both academia and industry for your research endeavors
  • Apply advanced Machine Learning techniques to gain deep insights into societal challenges
  • Engage in a collaborative environment to ideate creative approaches for addressing tangible global problems alongside peers with similar interests
  • Gain the opportunity to connect with young analysts and data scientists from diverse fields, forming valuable connections for the future

Program highlight

  • Structured modules with daily and weekly goals for smooth progress tracking
  • Conduct comprehensive exploratory data analysis using Pandas, and visualization libraries like Seaborn and Matplotlib
  • Gain basic proficiency in machine learning techniques, including Decision Tree and Random Forest, for predictive data analysis
  • Work in tandem with fellow participants on dataset(s) to achieve the program deliverables 
  • Showcase your research findings in a culmination event

Who can join?

  • High school students enrolled in the academic year 2024-2025 (9th – 12th grades)
  • A student who has completed a Python programming course or attending a python programming camp
  • A student exhibiting advanced analytical and problem-solving capabilities

2025 Summer

Coming soon!

  • Cohort: 8 Weeks
  • Sessions: Mon - Fri
  • Start Time: TBD
  • Duration: 1.5 hrs
  • Culmination Event: TBD


Showcase your Python skills with a valid certificate from an accredited Python course or camp.


Apply for our research program: submit an application, followed by an interview with the DIYA Research Team for evaluation.


Successful interviewees will receive an email with a registration link to confirm their participation.

Sample Schedule (2024)

Week 1

June 24 - June 28

Research students will refresh their programming skills by completing video lessons and assignments. Students will be introduced to an area of study to conduct research and collect relevant material and datasets to formulate a research question.

Week 2

July 1- July 5

Students will engage in data collection and utilize Python and Pandas for cleaning the data. They will perform exploratory data analysis to identify trends, patterns, and insights within the dataset.

Week 3

July 8 - July 12

Students will work on data collection and cleaning using python libraries. They will refine their dataset with basic exploratory work.

Week 4

July 15 - Jul 19

Students will employ various visualization techniques for in-depth analysis and exploration of the dataset. They will draw meaningful inferences and understanding of data patterns through comprehensive exploratory analysis through visualization.

Week 5

July 22 - July 26

Students will explore Machine Learning concepts, applying Decision Tree and Random Forest algorithms for predictions and mastering hyper parameter tuning to improve the performance of their machine learning models.

Week 6

July 29 - Aug 2

Students will refine their work and document their findings in their report. They will create a slide deck highlighting their machine learning analysis and prepare for a live final presentation at the culmination event.

Culmination Event

Aug 3 (Sat)

Students will present their research project to a panel of experts from universities and industry, showcasing their work and insights.

Earn a certificate

Earn a completion certificate that will be validated by DIYA Research


Selection to research program will be in two rounds. The first round of selection is based on the application details. Short-listed students are invited to attend an online interview for a second round of selection. Students selected after the interview will have a chance to register by submitting the payment.

A junior or senior high school student (incoming 11th – 12th grades) who has completed a course or camp in python programming  can join this program. Excellent analytical skills and problem solving skills are required to succeed in this program.

Yes the weekday sessions are online and will be live and interactive. Teachers from academia and industry will be presenting topics and guiding the students throughout the research. Teaching assistants will engage with students to help them with their work. Students will benefit the most from the interactive sessions and are expected to attend the zoom sessions online.
Yes, the research program is geared towards students who have the motivation and the interest to dive deep into the research area for analysis. The students are expected to work at least 20 hrs a week and weekly progress will be monitored based on the self-paced work between the sessions.

Yes, students will benefit the most from the interactive sessions and are expected to attend the zoom sessions online. The weekday sessions will guide the students and keep them on track for the research work

No, the bootcamp and the research programs run in parallel and we expect students to focus on only one of the programs.

The first round of selection will be based on the application. Short-listed students will receive an invitation by email to attend an interview. All candidates selected in the second round after the interview should receive a link for payment no later than April 30, 2024

Based on the interview assessment and skill level, DIYA Research will determine the right fit for the research team. Students will be grouped into teams of 2-4 and led by a professional. 

Yes and No. Each research group will be assigned an area of study and are expected to work in that domain. However, within that domain, students are encouraged to come up with their own research question and answer it using a data-driven approach.  

Students are invited to register for the program after an assessment and an interview. This is a highly selective program with limited seats. There is no refund once the student is selected and has paid for the program. 

Please drop us an email at with your details.

2023 Research Project Showcase

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2022 Research Culmination Event & Project Showcase

2021 Research Culmination Event & Project Showcase

Predicting cancer rates through water quality

Declining water quality has become a global issue of concern as human populations grow, industrial and agricultural activities expand, and climate change threatens to cause major alterations to the hydrological cycle. The impact of water quality decline is across the board – whether it is a threat to aquatic life, infectious diseases, or even long-term human health impacts. The next team of Diya researchers has studied cancer rates and water quality metrics.

Unsheltered homelessness

In 2019, the national rate of unsheltered homelessness was 6.3 persons per 10,000 people in the general population, but California, Hawaii, and Oregon had rates of unsheltered homelessness more than 3.5 times the national average. Our team of Diya researchers has taken up the study of homelessness and violent crime and specifically the problem of unsheltered homelessness.

Climate change - analyzing rise in average temp in LA

The world we live in is changing in fundamental ways. Climate and ecological changes are real and imminent. Whether it is preserving our way of life or adapting to global ecological and climate changes, we are going to have to deal with significant social impact due to changes in our environment. DIYA researchers has taken the challenge of analyzing the factors influencing average daily temperature rises in Los Angeles.

Analysis of students habits and family on academic performance

Education plays a significant part in shaping social, economic and political structures in today’s world. We can drive the biggest impact in the world by understanding and analyzing factors that affect our education system. Student academic performance is the report card for how we have been doing and the results have been very promising. Diya researchers have taken on a study to analyze how student habits and family plays a part in driving student academic performance, increasing our awareness of social factors impacting education.

2020 Research Culmination Event & Project Showcase

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