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Diya club for high school

DIYA aims to foster a supportive community that grows students’ excitement and experience in data science. DIYA club offers a structure for high school students to acquire a data mindset and prepare to excel in the data-driven world that we live in.

Any high school student can start a DIYA chapter in their school under the guidance of DIYA Research. There is no prerequisite of maths or programming required to start or join the club. All members, regardless of their experience levels will navigate through the field of Data Science with mentorship from DIYA.

DIYA club promotes the 5E Model of learning

Steps to start a DIYA club at your High School

Confirm that your chapter meets the following DIYA Research Inc requirements

1. The chapter must be part of a high school.
2. The chapter must have a sponsor who is a teacher at the high school.
3. The chapter must have at least 3 students in the leadership roles (President, Vice President, Secretary).
4. The chapter must pay membership fee for each of its office bearers member. There is no membership fee for the teacher sponsor.
5. The minimum chapter size is 10 students. The only exception is in the case of a new chapter which has two years to obtain the minimum chapter size.
6. The chapter meets for 1-2 hours per week.

Obtain the approval from school administration

1. Once you know your chapter meets the DIYA requirements, get approval from your school.
2. Contact your school administration to complete the formalities (if any) that are set to start a club at your school.

Request a DIYA chapter membership

1. Once you have the sponsor teacher and the approval from the school administration, request a DIYA Club membership by completing the new chapter request form.
2. DIYA will approve the membership within 5 business days.
3. DIYA may contact you for additional information if required.

Identify and enroll members for the leadership roles

1. President: leads the meetings and is the primary person responsible for conducting the club sessions. The President is responsible for recruiting members for the club, communicating with members about club expectations, and collaborating with DIYA in acquiring the session plan and activities.
2. Vice President: leads the meetings when the President is unable to attend and helps the President with the club activities. Vice President helps in enrolling students for competitions.
3. Secretary: captures meeting minutes and shares with DIYA in a timely manner.

Submit chapter members and pay membership dues

1. Complete the club registration by entering the club membership roster.
2. DIYA membership dues are $10 USD per person.
3. The DIYA Club membership is official once the President, Vice President, Secretary roles are submitted and their membership dues are paid.

Get Started

1. Set up a meeting for the DIYA Club members to meet with the club coordinator at DIYA Research and go over the club rules and expectations.
2. DIYA Research will share details regarding club activities, provide content for sessions and provide guideline and plan for each session.
3. The DIYA club members are expected to meet 1-2 hours per week. Decide the day and time that club will meet on a weekly basis.

DIYA Club New Chapter Request Form

1School Details
2Sponsor Details
3Club Details